Anno scolastico 2022/2023


Progetto Realizzato



dal 5 Ottobre 2022 al 14 Dicembre 2022

Descrizione del progetto

Time Sheet-Report delle attività Data Luogo di svolgimento orario Attività giornaliera svolta (argomenti trattati) ore

– 05/10/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 1. Titolo : LET’S MEET *Module presentation and welcoming activities. *Ask and give personal information interacting in L2. *Practicing the new language in creative forms of communications. Activities: A dodecaedro creation to speak about themselves ( all about me). Fill in, listening and role playing activities.

– 12/10/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 2. Titolo : R-U-OK? *Keeping in touch using the common texting abbreviations and non verbal communication (body language)*Pros and Cons of text messages *Practicing the new language in creative writings. Activities: use acronyms, debate, group work, matching activities. Miming games and non verbal dialogues.

– 19/10/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 3. Titolo : HOLIDAYS *Talking about types of holidays, accomodations, things to do, places to see. *Practcing the language using functions and vocabulary appropriate to the context. Activities: Scrapbooks creations about students’ holidays. Listening and watching videos, fill in forms, topic mind map , language games.

– 26/10/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 4. Titolo : TRAVELLING *At the tourist information office : introducing functions and vocabulary to ask for travel information (means of transport, accomodations, facilities, places to visit, things to do). Activities: listening and comprehension activities watching videos, fill in a form with information, role plays , language crossword, a doodle travel clip art.

– 09/11/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 5. Titolo : FAMOUS BUILDINGS *Whatching pictures about important monuments in London.*Listening to short descriptions about them and practicing oral and written abilities. Activities: matching key words, correcting mistakes, describing pictures on the board, listening and writing activity, drawing and writing captions.

– 16/11/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 6. Titolo : LET ME SHOW YOU MY VILLAGE *Taking photos about places of interest in the student’s villages *Get information about some of them. Use the language to locate places and to give instructions/directions. Activities : presentation on the board of pictures taken by students, speaking about them (ask for and give information), ask for and give directions, pair works.

– 23/11/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 7. Titolo : VISIT MY VILLAGE! *Preparing a presentation about the most famous place students have photographed.*Creating language captions using the specific vocabulary. Activities: group work, writing activity, create a brochure (one for each student’s village) using publisher application.

– 30/11/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 8. Titolo : TOURIST GUIDE FOR A DAY *Guided tour simulation to describe places in the students villages and to talk about personal information, holidays and travelling. *Oral checks / oral performances Activities: role playing , presentations, true /false, open questions, pai works.

– 07/12/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 9. Titolo : A VISIT TO THE “CASTLE” *Visit to an accommodation facility in the village. Here the students have played roles using the language learned in the classroom. They have asked for, provided information and expressed opinions. Activities: visit to the B&B St. Sergio’s Castle in Centola. Role plays and oral presentation of the place ( an ancient maniero).

– 14/12/2022 CENTOLA 13:30 – 16:30 10. Titolo : MY LANGUAGE CREATIONS *Final activities to check students’ learning progress. *Create a dossier to arrange the materials produced . Activities: speaking activities. Collecting all the materials produced in a personal dossier.









- Acquisire dimestichezza nell'uso vivo della Lingua Inglese;

- Servirsi delle competenze linguistiche per promuovere la conoscenza e la valorizzazione del territorio;

- Aprirsi a interlocutori che si avvalgono di lingue alternative alla nostra, acquisendo una propensione all'interculturalità e all'ospitalità diffusa;

- Integrare linguaggi verbali e codici grafico-simbolici nell'allestimento di brochure e materiali divulgativi e di promozione territoriale;

- Recuperare, interiorizzare e trasferire in L2 conoscenze e informazioni storico-urbanistiche, ambientali, demografiche, folkloristiche riferibili ai nostri borghi.






Alunni di Scuola Secondaria di I grado- CENTOLA


La ricaduta curriculare degli esiti formativi raggiunti dai partecipanti è risultata proficua, in termini cognitivi, operativi, motivazionali e socio-relazionali.

Tali output sono stati testati dai docenti di classe, al termine del percorso progettuale. Gli stessi hanno attivato una serie di comunicazioni e scambi informativi in vari step dell'iter progettuale, garantendo così un'azione sinergica più incisiva, volta a facilitare l'acquisizione progressiva e multidimensionale delle competenze sottese all'intervento didattico.